7 Powerful Ways to Boost your E-Commerce Sale in 2022

E-commerce Sale

You planned an E-Commerce business and did all the research required. After that you finished all the Website Development duties such as development of website either with website builders or using some kind of coding framework such as Angular or React.

You hired the best website designers for the UI/UX thing and made your website visibly appealing.

But still you are unable to figure out why your business is not able to deliver the sales you predicted before starting.

The reason is really short and obvious “You still do not have a proper E-Commerce strategy for your businesses”.

Or if you have one so you are unable to use it for Profit Maximization.

If you want to learn about effective techniques which could eventually boost your E-Commerce sales. Then you are at the right place.

Here in this blog we are going to explore some of the most powerful ways through which we can improve the performance of our E-Commerce businesses online.

1) Track and Target Your Customers Wisely

Customers are the base of every business. Therefore, it is imperative to have an absolute idea about your customer base.

DATA can really help in this context. With advancement in Data Science and Analytics we now have abundant ways to collect different kinds of data according to the requirements.

Therefore, it is recommended to have some kind of strategy to convert the website visitor in some representational form of Data.

At the beginner level “Google Analytics” is a great tool to start with. It analyzes your website thoroughly and comes up with amazing data figures. By which you can get an idea about your customer base.

It also segregates the data of the visitors according to the geographical location, gender, and much more.

Businesses can use this set of data in order to make effective strategies for targeting the visitor with some sort of marketing campaigns.

How To Target Visitors Effectively?

  • Keep a proper record of their data according to the location, gender, purchasing power and preferences.
  • Make customized templates for all the sorted categories of visitors.
  • Target them through various mediums such as E-Mail Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing.
  • Keep a close eye on the campaigns and analyze the data figures after the campaign.
  • Do not repeat the mistakes made in the previous campaigns and develop new strategies for retargeting.

2) Incorporate UpSelling Techniques

It’s quite encouraging every time a visitor makes a purchase from your E-Commerce store.

But what if the visitor makes some additional purchases along with the existing one? Obviously it’s a thing to cheer about because it adds up to your revenue.

These kinds of orders are placed largely due to the Upselling. The art of upselling is not a new concept. Even our local grocery store owners have been using upselling techniques for years.

For example, whenever we visit a grocery store. We end up buying more items that were already on our list.

This is all because of the upselling technique of the store. The commodities are placed in the store in such a way that the customer is psychologically bound to purchase the additional items.

For example, have you ever noticed that some of the store’s bestsellers are always placed around the billing tables?

This is done to encourage the customer to make some more purchases before they are actually done with the billing.

Hope till now you understood how upselling actually works. Therefore, it is recommended to use the upselling techniques for your E-Commerce businesses also.

Some Effective Upselling Techniques

  • Include a related item section on the checkout page where you could display the better and more expensive option of the product already on the cart.
  • Create effective combos of the products on your store and upsell them through recommendation sliders on every step of checkout
  • Make use of the Pop-Ups and display the products according to the “most searched product” data.

3) Platform Optimization Is The Key

As the 21st Century is already witnessing the Digital Revolution. More and more people around the world are coming online.

Thus the Online Marketplace is getting bigger and better every passing day. Keeping this fact in mind many E-Commerce are emerging on a regular basis.

Each and every store comes up with some unique strategy and USP’s but if they are unable to optimize their store for different platforms such as Mobile and Desktop or even according to the operating systems. Then it’s a complete waste of valuable time and resources.

If we talk about the present scenario then the handheld devices such as Smartphones and Tablets are becoming mainstream.

Various statistics also suggest that 40% of the E-Commerce sales come via Smartphones. Therefore, it is really very important for the businesses to optimize their stores for the Smartphones and don’t lose out on the revenue.

Vital Mobile Optimization Techniques

  • Choose a theme that is well suited and optimized for different kinds of platforms.
  • Try to increase the speed of the website either by investing in a good hosting or by resizing the images and removing the scrap content.
  • Come up with a mobile application since most people use apps rather than websites on smartphones.
  • 4) SEO Must Not Be Ignored

Search Engine Optimization cannot be taken for granted. It is one of the key factors which directly affect the revenue of the E-Commerce store.

SEO is nothing but the effective way to optimize your website in order to rank higher on the Google SERP.

Every website on the web wants to get displayed in the first page of the Search Engine Results Page. This is also known as “Race to first Page”.

Figures tell us that very few people go on the second page of the SERP. So it becomes imperative to get ranked on the first page itself.

For that you don’t need to have an exceptional SEO strategy. Just the basic understanding of SEO could do wonders for your businesses.

SEO itself is a beast to tackle because it has wide scale implications. But you don’t need to get overwhelmed with the fact that SEO is really wide and how you would cover each and every aspect of it.

Small businesses don’t need to implement all the SEO strategies at the start.

Here are some of the few SEO tips for small E-Commerce businesses which could help in increasing the revenue by a huge margin.

  • Research on the keywords that are suitable for your Audience.
  • Use online tools for collecting information on what your competitors are doing.
  • Get an idea about link-building and start implementing the same for your website.
  • Keep your website sorted and logically arranged so that the visitor would not face any difficulty while surfing.
  • Focus on decreasing the load time of your website.
  • Use free or paid SEO tools to measure the results of your SEO campaigns so that you can prepare for the next campaigns accordingly.

5) Social Media Integration

We have already stated that the 21st Century is going to be a Digital one. Smartphones have made their way into every household.

Recent improvements in the Internet speeds have significantly increased the online presence.

People today are connected to the web and use it for different aspects of life.

Social Media is one such medium which they use to feel connected. Reports say that social media websites and apps dominate most of the Smartphone Usage Time.

Businesses should take advantage of this power of Social Media. For this first it is imperative to set up a social media presence.

After that you can integrate your social media page with your website. Engaging visitors through social media can increase conversion rates dramatically.

When you have your ecommerce store linked directly to your Instagram Business profile, you can advertise directly on Instagram if your business is affiliated with one of Instagram’s supported markets.

Your Instagram followers are more likely to check out your store if your visual branding is stellar. Post enticing images of your products on Instagram, and link back to your store’s product page.

6) Show Testimonials And Reviews Of The Customer On The Website

Reviews can dramatically increase the Brand Trust among the customers. They also help visitors in decision making in order to make a purchase.

Consider your Bestseller Product – If you will display its reviews on the same product page. So it’s going to benefit in two ways.

  1. New visitors have the natural tendency of collecting extra information about the product before making a purchase. Reviews on the other hand supply that extra information. This in turn increases the engagement time on the website.
  2. Positive Reviews and testimonials about the product compel the visitor to make a purchase.

Review Collection can be done effectively with E-Mail Marketing. Where you can draft personalized E-Mails and request your customers for reviews and testimonials.

7) Measure Results Of The Campaigns And Optimization

Last but not the least, analyzing the results is vital. Through measuring we can detect what actually went right or wrong.

After that we can capitalize on the things which went Right for us and can improve on the things which went wrong.

There are plenty of tools available for measuring those results such as GT-Metrix and Google PageSpeed Insights that come handy when you have made some changes on the website.

Google AdSense and Analytics provide a good understanding about the Ad Campaigns.

It is always recommended to use these tools for collecting the valuable insights so that you can accordingly.


Setting up an E-Commerce store is just the first step towards establishing a successful business online. Make sure you follow all the tips mentioned in the Blog as they are the next steps for your business to stand out online.

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